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My other blog Mama Thrift

Monday, August 16, 2010

Baby Bunny not so small

I don't often get to write about Baby Bunny even though his personality is beautiful he often gets overshadowed by his bigger brothers. But I wanted to record mostly for my own benefit that I am so happy that he is a part of our family. He is an affectionate little boy who when he hugs gives you these cute little pats of the back. Mimicking me I guess when I comfort him.

Of late he has been doing this funny laugh that sounds like a loudly forced harrghh harrghh (that's the best I can do to describe it). But its so funny because he seems like he's trying real hard to laugh with real enthusiasm. He also has a natural belly laugh but the other forced laugh seems a little put on so he can get a reaction from us. Of course this works!

Bunny is not a huge talker and his vocab is mostly - Mama, Dadda, Nana, bye, ball, bir for bird, gog for dog, car, mama for banana, maow for cat, moo for cow, Bob for Bob the Builder, and a little more. His clearest and most frequent word except for Mama and Dadda is 'MORE MORE' for food.

For whatever he lacks in talking, he makes up for in moving. Bunny has no fear and is down right dangerous. I believe he thinks he is a 3 year old when in actuality he not long turned 1. He's a climbing machine. Our dining chairs are constantly stacked on the table out of reach. He opens the oven and stands on the open door. As soon as he could climb the stairs, he would repeatedly climb up them, climb through the rails and then do a forward flip onto the couch. All for a reaction of course. In such cases my reactions are not as approving.

He loves his brothers so much and voluntarily gives them hugs when they are upset. He's also tough and gives them a run for their money. I think they better watch out when they all grow up.

We love you Bunny.

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