I once said in a talk- "I have good children but they are really active boys and egg each other on like you wouldn’t believe. It’s like everyday is a sleepover party with their best friends." Well things have not changed, in fact they have escalated. Literally while I type I can hear my oldest boys, who are meant to be asleep, chatting away in their room, rather excitedly. I've already been in there to tell them to go to sleep. Moo Moo responds 'but Mum we want to talk'. I softened and said 'ok ten more minutes' because its so adorable to see them enjoy eachother's company.
But back to the point I was wanting to make - it's time to separate Monkey and Moo. These bestie brothers can only remember life with each other, they are so close in age (14 months apart). From early on in Moo Moo's life we moved Monkey out of his cot into a toddler bed and put the boys in the same room. So as you can imagine they are pretty tight. Too tight for my liking lately. I find myself wishing I could say- you go to your room and you go to your room. At bath time they hype eachother up so much that after they make it impossible to get their clothes on. So we now put Bunny in his gated room, Hubby takes Moo Moo to our room and I take Monkey to his room. What's interesting is Monkey will actually put on his own clothes if his brother isn't there to distract him.
They can be found pulling all their bedding off their beds and having what they call a "Wiggly Party" amongst the mess. Thanks Wiggles for somehow inspiring this very different past time.
Side story - Henry the Octopus came and visited my house the other day. And I had to feed and care for him. Yes he was Moo Moo's imaginary friend.
Well back to the point - we are soon moving to a house with an extra bedroom and for a while all the boys will have their own room. This goes against my natural grain where I feel like I should somehow live more like a humble pioneer. You know like they didn't even have separate beds in the old days. I know I have weird issues with progression. Maybe I will elaborate on that one day.
Will I ever get to my point... I cannot wait to have separate spaces for my little bestie brothers for a little peace every now and then. Fingers crossed it helps.
Haha, they sound so cute :) You're really going to separate them, and break up the party!? 'Oh, No!' as Jenna would say. One day the boys can read back on this, and will love knowing what good friends they were at a young age... :)
I know it seems a little cruel to separate them. But it will only be for a short while. Until I put Bunny and Moo Moo together. I hope to increase their bond too. Monkey will love his own space for a little while because he is in a new life stage being 4. Then eventually I may even put them all 3 back in the same room as I had once before. A change is as good as a holiday and cheaper haha :)