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My other blog Mama Thrift

Saturday, October 9, 2010

We're having another baby!

I'm really excited to announce that we are having another baby. I am very sick so I have no funny interesting stories to share. I just thought I'd make it blogspot official. It was planned and suprisingly (well not considering our record) it took only a month to fall pregnant. I hate this morning sickness and this one is the worst pregnancy yet. Everything smells, I smell, soap smells, my children smell, its all making me sick hahaha. Bring on the second trimester.


  1. Congratulations J!!!! That is such exciting news. I hope you get a little girl this time. If not, you will be blessed with another valiant son.

    Love Jessima

  2. J that is fantastic news!! How exciting! Hope you are feeling well.


  3. Congratulations guys! That is amazing news! I hope everything settles down with the morning sickness soon xx

  4. WOWEEE!!!! Congratulations J!! Hope you are managing to muddle through and especially as exams approach. Staying with the inlaws has probably helped a little in the end!
    Wonderful news - all the best for a happy pregnancy. X

  5. YAY!!! CongratULATIONS!!! :) Hope you feel amazingly better soon - second trimester rocks :) xox

  6. Thanks everyone so much for sharing in my excitement and for the words of encouragement.

  7. Congratulations J!!!
    When I was pregnant with Tammy I made a fabulous chocolate layer cake to take to a friend's party, that I was convinced smelled exactly like mushrooms! It was so strong that I kept trying to throw it away, with everyone restraining me! :)
    Maybe this is a girl.... :)

  8. How wonderful J! Congratulations and welcome to the 4 club! :)Aliessa
