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Monday, July 5, 2010

Sleepy J

For years now I haven't had a good night's sleep. Now that is to be expected with babies but I really thought that by now, I would be enjoying a couple of nights a week of uninterrupted sleep. No such luck Lady. I LONG for an uninterrupted nights sleep. I joke to my friends that I DREAM of a getaway in a fancy hotel, not for a romantic getaway, but for an uninterrupted night's sleep.

I love my children and that's why as tired as I may feel, I can't ignore the little calls for 'Mama' at night. If its not my toddlers coming in to me, its my baby Bunny waking and crying through the night. He still can't settle himself to sleep when he wakes. He cries and kicks the cot. The older he gets the more I try to let him cry it out. But I'm still lying there awake, listening, wondering, interpreting what that cry means. I usually go in.

Another thing, I never used to let my boys into my bed because I had this strong belief that if I let them in once, then its all over. Well they got the better of us! Now we have Monkey or Moo Moo coming into our room regularly. Sleep deprivation does funny things to people. When its in the middle of the night and I've had several wake ups, I start imagining things. I imagine what it would be like to have a secret Harry Potter's bed under the stairs where no one can find me :)

We do try to tell our sons to go back to their own beds but some nights they just keep coming back. They know how to wear a tired parent down until you shuffle over and let them in. I admit it feels cute when they snuggle into you, you feel loved and wanted. Then they start sleeping sideways, kicking you, and making funny sleep noises in your ears.

The other morning Monkey and Moo Moo were both in our bed at the same time. I became so uncomfortable and as it was almost time to get up, I went and lay on the floor at the end of my bed. Hubby thought that he would rather lie with me and cuddled next to me on the floor. Well it turns out that the children also would rather be with us on the floor. So there we were, all four of us lying on the hard floor while there's a perfectly good bed left empty bed above us. I thought that was SO FUNNY.


  1. Hahaha!! That's is so funny!! I just laughed out loud when I read the four o you sleeping on the floor :)

    I know how you feel J, my kids wake up all the time and call out forme. Because Dave works in a labor job and has to get up so early I always attend to them. I hope you get to have a night away at a fancy hotel soon! Xx

  2. Can totally relate! Only 1 out of 4 sleep through the night here. But my wonderful parents took all the kids for 2 lovely nights so I could catch up on some sleep - but guess what? I kept waking up anyway!! :) oh well, the time will come - this is my mantra. Hope yours does soon, and not too many nights of sleeping on the floor - too funny!

  3. Yeah isn't that funny when you still wake, usually for the bathroom. Weaker control after babies. :) Gotta get onto those pelvic floor excercises. :)

  4. That is so funny! And fun too :)
    I was a little bit shocked after we had children to find that Neil - kind, sweet Neil, absolutely insisted that they were never to sleep with us! They would come in for a short cuddle after a nightmare or something, then be taken back to their own beds, every time! I had thought that it would be kind of nice to have our little bunnies snuggled up with us...
    But as the years went by, I came to think, 'good move' afterall :)
    Any chance of a sleep-over for all three at grandma's occasionally?

